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"We don’t know what follows, but all we know is to follow!"


Pastor Domingo Cipriano went on a short-term mission trip to Canada for three months. During those times, God revealed a lot of things to him, and he was able to minister to a lot of people there. Despite not having a lot of money, he saw how God provided for him. He had pocket money of $120 and miraculously he didn’t have to spend it and had more money as he went back to the Philippines. As he returned to the Philippines, he desired to go on a long-term mission in Canada.

Pastor Domingo continuously seeks God’s guidance every step of the way. As he got confirmation from God that he should return to Canada, he clearly saw God’s favor upon him.

From April to August 2019, Pastor Domingo was working on the documents needed for the visa application for his entire family. As he submitted all the documents to the Canadian Embassy in November, he prayed and surrendered to God whatever the outcome may be.

In February 2020, the Lord's favor was upon him when he was notified that their visa application was approved! Pastor Domingo and his family praised the Lord for showing His grace and goodness in their lives! The Lord made it happen and Pastor Domingo believed that nothing or no one could stop what God has started in their lives.

However, his faith was tested by the current pandemic. There was a covid-19 outbreak in the Philippines that led to a nationwide lockdown. Thus, stricter travel restrictions were implemented by the government. Pastor Domingo and his family were supposed to leave on March 20, 2020, but because of the pandemic, international flights were also canceled.

It seemed that all hope was gone but Pastor Domingo and his family believed that they could still go to Canada in God’s perfect timing. He was also reminded of the vision he saw when he was on the prayer mountain in Malaysia. God showed him the country Canada therefore, he believed that it would come to reality.

A few months passed and God made a way for them to reschedule their flight. On August 8, 2020, Pastor Domingo and his son left first for Canada. Everything went smoothly despite the current regulations on international flights. After a long-haul flight, he and his son arrived safely in Canada.

A few weeks later, Sister Pedma, his wife, had to follow them to Canada. Since she holds a visitor's visa, it was considered non-essential travel, and the pandemic restrictions made it more complicated. As they prayed, God gave them the wisdom to write to the consul of the Canadian Embassy that Sis Pedma wished to be reunited with her family in Canada. After five days, she received a notification that she is authorized and approved to travel to Canada! Praise the Lord!

Sis Pedma is now reunited with her family. They are welcomed warmly by brethren in the church at PIBC Windsor and have free accommodation. They received God’s blessings and favor as they continue serving the Lord faithfully and the people God entrusted to them.

God requires obedience. Pastor Domingo and his family just obeyed the Lord. They firmly believe in this adage, "We don’t know what follows, but all we know is to follow!"

Therefore, He guided them along the way. Obeying God is of utmost importance to every Christian for our lives are from God. God provides us with our daily needs of food and drink and has led us to today. His love for us is immeasurable and as a loving response, it is only right and proper to obey and serve God faithfully!

So, let's praise the Lord, our God Who has done these great and awesome things for us that our eyes have seen and beheld!

To God be all the highest glory!

Psalm 37:5

Commit your way to the LORD; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.

(Written by: Venus Jablo)

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