Global Filipino Dream
GLOBAL FILIPINO DREAM is a one day mission webinar or seminar held in the comfort of one's home or church. The topics will cover areas of prophecy, purpose , identity, onus, calling, divine events, special opportunities, direction, destiny and more. The seminar is primarily aimed at providing the participants a renewed vision and passion for service. It also aims to educate, inspire, encourage and engage everyone to take an active part in the exciting end time plan of God, in the Philippines and across the world.

Cutting Edge Leadership

CUTTING EDGE LEADERSHIP SEMINAR. This is a one day seminar for church pastors and leaders the main purpose of which is to make them more effective leaders and managers, and to equip them to accomplish their tasks and goals in the face of unique challenges in these modern and dynamic times and environment. “Out-of-the box” techniques are introduced and discussed such as harnessing advanced technology for effective church management, fund sourcing and finance management, identifying and tapping gifts and abilities of people they work with, as well as the creation, design and monitoring of innovative and useful projects and approaches to enhance and expand their church objectives.
Global Tentmakers Mission

Statistics say that up to 3,300 Filipinos fly out of the country everyday. Approximately 10% of these are born-again Christians. Imagine hundreds of Global Pinoys catapulted daily as blessings to the nations of the world! But this can only happen when the local churches are empowered to equip their potential immigrants and OFW's to become global tentmakers.
Revitalized Mission
REVITALIZED MISSION is the first mission training program recently released by International Teams Phils. that was made to cater to the international community. For many years, the organization have to turn down many applications for membership coming from various countries due to the absence of training materials that could best translate the organizations spirit and culture to different nationalities. We know that in order for us to be able to embrace the chosen ones from different nations, we need to be able to come up with the much needed mission training program as soon as possible. The challenge of figuring out how we could recapture the elements that gave us success in mobilizing our own people for global missions was so daunting. It was an uphill climb from the conceptualization phase to the actual building of content. The idea of using The IT Philippines mission model as a case study at the beginning of the training turned out to be the lightbulb moment that we have been praying for. It was smooth sailing from that time on.. It did not take long for us to see the birth of REVITALIZED MISSION, an entry level mission training program designed for an international audience.
Finally, we are now ready to accept applications from other countries! We are so excited and are looking forward to meeting our very first international trainees. The mission training will be on an ONLINE WEBINAR format using ZOOM platform and will be taught in English, for the time being.

Access Mission Training
ACCESS MISSION TRAINING is a concentrated program for those planning to serve as missionaries with INTERNATIONAL TEAMS PHILIPPINES, either on foreign or local assignment.
An intensive two (2) days on-site classroom or virtual training where the trainee is introduced to INTERNATIONAL TEAMS PHILIPPINES (ITP), the kind of organization that it is, what it believes in, its philosophy, purpose, mission and vision. At this stage, the trainee is made aware of the mission paradigm of ITP. It aims to indoctrinate the trainee to the IT way of thinking and seeing things.


IT East Asia
Regional Conference

EAST ASIA REGIONAL CONFERENCE is a periodic gathering of missionaries serving with INTERNATIONAL TEAMS PHILIPPINES (ITP) within the Philippines and abroad. While most of the attendees are those serving in the East Asia region, the conference is open to those serving in other areas as well. The assembly is primariy aimed at providing the participants a special time of refreshing. A line up of dynamic speakers give messages on relevant topics aimed to encourage and inspire the attendees. These speakers share insights and ideas that are helpful and useful in ministry. The conference program also includes activities and tours that promote interaction and fellowship among the missionaries — an opportunity often missed by those serving in the field.

Cutting Edge Leadership Conference

8th CUTTING EDGE INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2025 A culminating event for church pastors and leaders who have participated in any Cutting Edge Leadership Training. Dynamic Christian speakers and top business and church leaders will be sharing their expertise and know how's in the area of leadership and management in the context of faith and church ministries.
The gathering assures to provide the participants with a wealth of new insights and understanding on how to run a church, a mission team, a business or any organization in a top level way; in a manner that will truly be God honoring and church strengthening.

4th GLOBAL TENTMAKERS CONFERENCE 2025: A culminating event for everyone who have participated in our Global Tentmakers Seminars. These topics will highlight the conference program : 1. TENTMAKING 2. BUSINESS AS MISSION 3. MARKETPLACE MINISTRIES 4. WORKPLACE EVANGELISM 5. GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST . Field practitioners and senior missionaries who have an extensive experience in the area of tentmaking will be sharing their expertise and know how's in the area of tent making, business as missions. and marketplace ministries.
The conference is open to non-IT missionaries who are sponsored by an IT member and must be of the same faith.

A monthly online meeting of GLOBAL MISSION CENTER LEADERS held every 2nd Monday of the month from 9am to 12pm.
The mentoring series aims to provide continuous coaching designed to enhance each individuals mobilization and leadership capability. Our main agenda will focus on strengthening our Global Mission Centers for each unit to function effectively in mobilizing the people of God for global missions. We will be regularly presenting updates and outcomes of our mobilization efforts for us to have clear view of our mobilization progress We aim to provide a virtual fellowship experience with GMC Leaders from all over the country.
Meeting is EXCLUSIVE for GMC Leaders or their representative.

A monthly online / face to face gathering of IT Mobilizers all throughout the Philippines.
The recent phenomenal growth in IT's missionary population created a large number of mobilizers who are in need of leadership guidance and direction. The GMC structure, throughout the years, was unable to provide a place for majority of the missionaries who signed up for the role of mobilizers. Thus, the concept of Mobilizers Union came to the fore with the main goal of providing a working environment for ALL the mobilizers where they could function according to the role that they committed in. ​​
The birth of Mobilizers Union signals the beginning of an exciting chapter in International Teams nationwide mobilization effort. The bar is raised at a very high level with the participation of a large number of IT missionaries who were put on hold for some time. This year, a huge percentage of Mobilizers of International Teams will be unleashed in full force to rally the churches in the Philippines for the great commission.

A virtual or face to face meeting of IT Trainers & Evaluators which serves as a platform for evaluation, mentoring, upgrading and fellowship
The mentoring series aims to provide continuous coaching designed to enhance each Trainers capability to provide the missionaries in training the best understanding and appreciation of our global missions vision, strategy and direction. There will be regular presentation of updates and outcomes of our nationwide and international training effort for all Trainers & Evaluators to have a clear view of our mobilization progress We aim to provide a virtual or face to face fellowship experience for all Trainers and Evaluators from all over the country.
Meeting is EXCLUSIVE for accredited IT Trainers and Evaluators. .


Fellowship of IT Supporters and Partners
With the growth and expansion of the organization came enormous financial challenges as well. In order to overcome these obstacles, ITP enlisted the help of committed men and women with business baclground, financial expertise and fund raising skills . With their knowledge and keen insights, these group of people were tasked to support and help advance ITP's thrust into the future. And so, the ITP PARTNERS CIRCLE came to existence. Once again, by the grace of God , ITP is ready to boldly take on the new demands and challenges of the times.

A one day training event designed solely for IT missionaries who desire to serve as official IT Mission Trainers. The first half of the day will cover full presentation of our seminar offerings, trainer expectations, scope of training coverage, roles commitment etc ...
The second half of the day will be a full blown "DOWNLOADING SESSIONS" where every technical details, seminar distinctives, and systems flow on the seminar trainings will be discussed. The second is a culminating event for the Training the Trainers program. Each participant who fulfills the requirements and are able to enter into a heart commitment to the role will be given official accreditation to function as an IT MISSION TRAINER.

AN INTRODUCTORY training event for IT missionaries who are signing up to serve as official IT GMC Leaders. The briefing will cover full presentation of the GMC concept, vision and strategies, nationwide mobilization efforts, roles and responsibilities as GMC leaders, GMC incentives program, and policies in running each GMC teams.
Those who will be able to meet the requirements and have the heart to make the full commitment to run a Global Mission Center as the leader of the team will be given full recognition of the important role he or she wii take on.

An important briefing for IT Missionaries who indicated that they want to serve as Mission Mobilizers but were unable to join any GMC's for whatever reason. The briefing will cover full presentation of the the Mobilizers Union concept, vision and strategies, as well as nationwide mobilization efforts, roles and responsibilities as Mobilizers, incentives program, and policies implemented in the Union.
Those who will express willingness to abide by the Union's programs and policies and really have the heart to make the full commitment to serve as an IT Mobilizer will be given full recognition of membership to the Union.
This is an event that gathers IT Mobilizers, Trainers, Energizers & Supporters for further trainings on the roles that each missionaries committed in. There will be a lot of content downloading to enhance their capabilities in mobilizing the church people for global missions. This will also be a gathering that will be full of encouragement and joyful fellowship of IT Missionaries. The worship will be another highlight fixture for the event's program.
GLOBAL MISSION SUMMIT is a training forum that will not just equip and enhance each ones ability to effectively mobilize but also heighten the passion level for global missions mobilization of each participant.


This workshop is open to a limited number of participants only. A higher degree of maturity in mission work is required . And a high level of commitment and involvement in mission security risk environment will be considered in the choice of who gets to participate in this special security and risk management training. The workshops will be held in Emelo in the Netherlands. Training dates will be discussed during the visa processing meetings. Those who will successfully complete the training will officially be members of the Global Security Team of International teams Philippines.
The Southeast Asia Mission Workshops is a week long mission exposure trip outside of the country. This is the second and last stage of the ACCESS MISSION training program and is the final prerequisite for acceptance to the IT Phils. organization. It will be held in any of the following countries: Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore Vietnam, and the Philippines. This stage allows the trainee to experience, in a small degree, what it’s like to prepare for and go on actual service in the mission field. This is accomplished in coordination with an existing team in the field which serves as both host and mentor to the trainee during the exposure trip. They are the ones who will also determine the participants suitability for actual mission work and recommend full acceptance (or denial) to the IT Phils organization. This stage allows the trainee to experience, in a small degree, what it's like to prepare for and go on actual service on the mission field. This is accomplished in coordination with an existing team in the field which serves as both host and mentor to the trainee during the exposure trip.
Only after successfully completing the two phases of ACCESS TRAINING can a trainee be officially accepted as a full-fledged ITP missionary, qualified for long term deployment in the mission field.