Partners, in the eyes of ITeams Phils, are heaven's precious gifts to the work of global missions. They are individuals hand picked by God to help the organization in advancing the kingdom of God. They locked hands with ITeams for they share a common vision and passion for making JESUS known to all the nations of the world.
Our ministry partners widely vary in their ministries. Some are being used by the Lord mightily in the area of music and worship. Others reach out to the urban poor, street children, and the squatter communities. And there are those whose hearts are in providing counsel to the ailing in spirits and low in hope. Some alignments are forged at the time of calamities and disasters. Many others are churches who wanted to be part of the great commission through partnership with a mission organization.
Although all of our partners are special and valuable to us, there are those who have shown a greater level of commitment to the IT missions agenda and have faithfully supported the work of IT through the passing of time.
We mutually benefit from the relationship and feel strengthened and energized as we get to share each others strength and resources for a common agenda ... to bring glory and honor to our Lord Jesus to all the nations.
Note: This section is still under construction. We are still in the process of renewing partnership agreements with allied ministries and supporting churches and organizations.
We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to work with other like minded groups and individuals. Let's connect.