(2nd Part of “He Loved Me for Who I Am”)

For everything there is always a season; a time to wait and a time to go. We may have our plans, but it is still the Lord’s will that will come to pass. There might be certain things that aren’t working out the way we want them to be, so we get frustrated. But what if we let go and let God set our future. Life would be so much easier when we let go of control and just fully trust the Lord. Pastor Manny Magabulo, a man of God and an IT missionary has lived a surrendered life towards God, and as a result, God has been with him every step of the way. Pastor Manny planned to go to South Korea, but he was wondering why there were so many things hindering him from going. Despite it, he trusted God more than his own understanding for he believes that God knows best. Then something unfortunate happened. One of his family members got into an accident. If he had left for South Korea, he wouldn’t be able to help his family during this time of crisis. It wasn’t long before another tragedy happened again. His older brother passed away and he needed to be with his family at that time to comfort them. After everything that had happened, he thought maybe he was called to go to a different nation. While Pastor Manny was visiting a friend, he saw some souvenirs from Israel in his friend’s room. He felt something in his heart and asked “Lord, do you want me to go to Israel instead?” Finding 20 shekels and a shirt that says, ‘I love Israel’, Pastor Manny made a faith declaration by posting it on Facebook quoting “Where will your 20 shekels bring you?” It left a great impression on his heart as he continued to seek God’s will. Surprisingly, his godson who was staying in Israel came home to the Philippines. He was asked if he could be their church speaker on their 12th anniversary! The church in Israel has never had a guest speaker from other countries, but they believe that God will send them the right person this time. Pastor Manny received a revelation that he must go, so he agreed to be their speaker even though he had no money. From that day on he has been praying for his airfare for he had no means to get such a huge amount of money to buy his ticket. Days passed and he didn’t lose hope when there was still no money in sight. He continued to pray for God’s provision. Then something amazing happened. Her sister offered to book his flight using her new credit card. She managed to book his ticket to Israel and at this point, Ptr. Manny just had to think about his travel tax. He made another faith declaration of the place he is going to stay in Israel. He posted a picture of the Olympia Hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel and someone saw it and blessed Pastor Manny financially. He also received P3,000 which was almost twice the amount he needed to pay for his travel tax. Pastor Manny was so happy to see that all his financial needs were provided by God right on time. It was like everything was already set in place and all he had to do is to move forward. He packed his bags and he was ready for another journey of faith. Pastor Manny flew to Israel full of joy in his heart for the miracles he just experienced. It was his first time visiting the country and he could feel right away that God was with him. He received God’s favor everywhere he goes. The church in Israel was anticipating Pastor Manny’s visit. Like what they had prayed for, God sent them a man of God to be the speaker in their church. The church had its 12th anniversary and Pastor Manny preached to the entire congregation. They were so blessed that they paid for Pastor Manny’s airfare which he owed his sister. Pastor Manny’s mission didn’t end there, he was also invited to minister in several more churches. One day, Pastor Manny met a Filipina who is married to a Jew. She couldn’t walk properly, and she had to wear a customized belt that supports her so she would be able to do the necessary movements. Pastor Manny prayed for her and declared healing and to their surprise, the lame woman managed to be on her feet without the belt. She was completely healed! Also, the husband of the lame woman who has been deaf for years got his hearing back while watching his wife receive her miracle. The couple was so grateful to God for bringing Pastor Manny into their lives. He was used by God to heal them spiritually and physically and made them whole. Pastor Manny had been in Israel for almost 3 months and he was running out of money. Having his greatest weapon, which is prayer, he went down on his knees and prayed to God earnestly. At one point, he turned on his Facebook Live and prayed for the people in Israel. He asked for God’s provision and prayed also for the desire of his heart, and that is to be with his wife in Israel. Amazingly, someone was moved by God to shoulder the airfare of Pastor Manny’s wife. So, his wife was able to come to Israel and they both toured the city and created unforgettable memories for both of them. They have seen the power of God and have put to heart that nothing really is too difficult for Him. The believers were all amazed at the miracles displayed by God through the couple. Even one Filipino lady mentioned how extremely difficult it was for her to go to Israel, and that's the reality for most people. People saw how amazing our God is and they know that we are serving the God who is the One True King who can make the impossible possible. Pastor Manny blessed the Lord’s Name greatly. God’s plan was far greater than his original plan. Also, God has provided for all of their needs along the way. Not only was Ptr. Manny was blessed, but he also became a blessing to the people he met in Israel. The power of the Holy Spirit that enabled him to heal the sick was beyond words. Lives have been transformed because of his obedience to God; taking on the road God has prepared for him and trusting God wholeheartedly. Lord, the words don’t even seem adequate to express the gratitude in our hearts. You are more than we deserve, more than we could ask for. You are with us always, in all circumstances. Praise the God whose way is perfect! Praise Him that His Word proves true and that He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him. Ecclesiastes 8:5 He who keeps royal command experiences no trouble, for a wise heart knows the proper time and procedure.
(Written by: Venus Jablo)