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Updated: Feb 11, 2022

Our beginnings… We will begin our mission blog with a compilation of stories of our early years as a mission organization. These stories molded us into who we are now as a mission organization. All stories were God focused and actual experiences of our pioneering missionaries on the field. They were firsthand narratives describing how each Filipino missionaries witnessed the mighty works of our living God in full display. They saw and tasted the miracles of God in response to their prayers which provided for their needs. They were supernaturally brought to situations that were beyond comprehension and given amazing opportunities to minister to the lost and needy people of each nation. The stories will best explain how our poor missionaries were able to sustain their stay in the mission field for long periods of time and see their ministries flourish throughout the years that passed. All their testimonies converge to a single truth - God is actively at work in the lives of people who responds in complete faith to His call.

They saw the Mighty hand of God and they could not contain in their hearts the joy it has brought to their lives, In this blog site, you’ll read the exciting God Sighting stories shared from the hearts of missionaries who truly encountered our living God in the mission field.


Blowin’ in the Wind

Posted by on 07/25/2014 (The story started at around Year 2000 in China.)

Hold on to your seats! This story is mind blowing! The God of Elijah is so alive and so actively involved in the lives of His people today.

Thirteen Filipino missionaries went to China for their long-term ministry in the land of the sleeping giant. They know that their decision will bring them closer than ever to God’s ultimate plan in their lives. They embarked with the sense that they are about to live out their destinies in life.

Having stayed for sometime in Hainan, three of the missionaries decided to move to Kunming and searched right away for a house to rent. It was wintertime and the cold wind was biting hard on their skins. Knowing that every step they take is guided by the Lord; they went in search for the house which will serve not only as their abode but the teams ministry headquarters as well. By the grace of God, it did not take long for them to see it. It was as if it was just waiting for them all along. However, they were not aware that a surprise is waiting for them too. Upon negotiation with the landowner, they found themselves scrapped of all money that they have with them. A seven-month advance payment for rentals did them in. They were caught reeling with the experience. They have a house to sleep in all right, but they will have to do without food. They sensed that they are in for hungry and sleepless nights. Fear was creeping in knowing that they are thousands of miles away from home. They quipped, “What have we found ourselves in? We haven’t even started the work here, and we are stuck right away with this humongous problem.” Humongous indeed for not only were they depleted of funds, but they were also staring at a bare cemented floor that radiates the coldness of the winter season outside. “How could we sleep on this house without carpeting?”, sighed the Filipina missionary. Now, the fear was starting to overwhelm them. They were a ready kill for the devil. BUT GOD DOES NOT SLEEP!! HE LOOKS WITH LOVING AND CARING EYES ON HIS PEOPLE AND PROTECTS THEM WHEN HARM COMES THEIR WAY.

Sensing the nudging of the Spirit, the team went out to the street and decided to pray. They prayed in a kind of intensity that they haven’t done before. “LORD, please help us! We don’t have money to buy food and no carpet to put on the floor and no furniture to use. We don’t have any friends or relatives to depend on here. It is just you whom we could run to, LORD!” In a few moments, a breeze of wind touched their faces. DT, the Filipina missionary, looked at where it was coming from and to her surprise she saw “several red Chinese bills” floating in the air and dropping on the street. She at that point shouted “money, money!!!”. They were so ecstatic to see money on the street. Of course, being Christians, they looked for the individual who may have lost the money. But there was no one there or anywhere near. They waited for many minutes for anyone to come and claim them. Then a sudden realization hits them. How could they forget, The GOD WHOM THEY SERVE IS THE GOD OF ELIJAH, THE GOD OF MIRACLES! The money did not come from an individual’s wallet but directly from the bank vault in heaven. It was released to them in fulfillment of God’s promise to them. A promise of His care and provisions always. It was a big amount enough for them to buy food and the much-needed carpet to sleep on.

They celebrated the next day with much food on the table, nice carpet on the floor and many praises to the LORD from their hearts to fill the house with.

The furniture and more food came a few days later…

JESUS IS LORD OF ALL!!! Even the winds obey Him...

*Next posting … The $1 Story (The Amazing Mission Trip to Israel)

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Jan 22, 2022

Praise God 🙌 Hallelujah 🔥🔥🔥 Our Almighty God is so loving, gracious and miraculous God 🙏😇 Glory be to Jesus 😇🔥 Amen 😇🙏


Aida Escano
Aida Escano
Jan 19, 2022

Hallelujah to the God of miracles!

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