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God comforted her through missions as she mourns the death of her siblings.

Writer's picture: venusitphilsvenusitphils

Updated: Sep 6, 2022


No one travels through life without, at some point, experiencing the loss of someone or something dear. The loss of a loved one through death is one of life’s most intense challenges, and the pain can be overwhelming. But God doesn’t leave you to suffer alone. Pastor Mitas Ramos is one of the IT missionaries and has been with IT since 2018. Although, it took her six years before she finally joined the ITeams family through a friend’s invitation. When she saw the pictures and postings on Facebook about the journey of faith of other IT missionaries, that’s when she felt encouraged that God can do more in her life. Back in July 2013, Pastor Mitas was facing one of the difficulties of life. Her sister, Mayet Ramos, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had to go back and forth weekly to the hospital for her chemotherapy and after one year of radiation, Pastor Mitas took care of her. Then in 2016, Pastor Mitas was also diagnosed with breast cancer, had her mastectomy that same year, and had to undergo chemotherapy. Despite the battles they had to face; God used their church family who helped them both through prayers and assisting them by pushing their wheelchairs during their chemotherapy. They had been battling their illness for years and by the grace of God and with the help of their friends and family they were able to continue their medical treatment. However, in March of 2018 March, her sister, Mayet, went home with the Lord. Then, a month before that her elder brother also had a heart attack and also went to be with God, without seeing him until his interment since she needed to be in the hospital with her sister, Mayet. Pastor Mitas was devastated to lose her siblings in the same year. She was extremely down, and her heart was mourning. It felt like she’s been crippled emotionally because she lost her dear siblings and the thought of not being with them was extremely painful. Then one day, Pastor Val, a close friend of hers, invited her to join the ITeams Philippines. “Why don’t you join IT? It’s time to go.” Pastor Val persuaded her. She tried to muster up her strength and joined the IT fellowship. She was still hesitant and didn’t jump into going on missions right away. “Lord, is this the right time for me to go on missions?” Pastor Mitas asked the Lord. She prayed and sought the Lord’s guidance for almost two months. Then it was the month of July when she felt in her heart that God is calling her to go. She joined the training and signed up to join the exposure trips in Laos, Thailand, and Malaysia. As she went on missions, she felt that her heart was getting healed from the unfortunate loss she had that year. She has met a lot of people and interacted with them. As she conversed and encouraged others, she felt encouraged, too. As she helped others, she was also getting help. Little by little, she was feeling better. When she was in Thailand, during the prayer walk, evangelizing, and visiting the orphanages, she forgot her pain as she served the people God brought to her. When she returned to the Philippines after her short mission trips, she would volunteer to help in the worship service of the IT fellowship, and she was getting better and better emotionally and physically by the grace of God. God spoke to her through the messages she heard from God’s people, and it comforted her. She was so thankful that the Lord showed her a door out of her sorrows. Through International Teams Philippines, Pastor Mitas was able to see that God cares for her deeply as He comforts her through missions and through the people who serve the same God who never forsakes and is merciful. God has ways of comforting us in every situation we find ourselves in. I mean, think about it – He already knows what’s going on anyway, He’s Sovereign! He’s the Author and Finisher of our faith; He is the one that orchestrates and allows things to happen in our lives that work out for our good and brings Him glory! The story doesn’t end here. There are more revelations in Pastor Mitas’ life as she continues to respond to God’s call in her life. John 16:22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again, and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.

(Written by: Venus Jablo)

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