Some of us tend to assume things and never want to ask and tell what we really want. Then when the other person couldn’t meet our expectations, we start to resent them and question their motives – that they deliberately wanted to hurt us. We get disappointed so we tend to criticize every action they do. We know that God is omnipotent, and He knows everything so most of us think, “I don’t have to ask Him, He is God, He already knows”. Yes, He does. He knows everything about you and me, but the thing is, He wants you to ask Him so you can have conversations with Him. When you start talking to Him, He will talk back to you, and you will know how much He loves you and that’s how we build an intimate relationship – by having open communication with Him. When was the last time you asked God what you wanted?
One of the IT missionaries in South Korea, Pastor Digna Viernes learned to have open communication with God, and she saw how God answered her prayers that are according to His will. After her short-term trip to Korea, she asked “Lord, can I go to other countries next time?” Consequently, there was a job opportunity in Japan. She wanted to go, but it is God who has the final say in this matter and if it is His will then He would provide for her. She didn’t want to use her own money because she believes if God called her then He will provide. It was the month of January and Pastor Digna went on a prayer mountain and she was seeking God’s next instruction. She asked for certain provisions from God if it is His will. “If someone gives me money to pay the agency then I will go” Then one Thursday afternoon, she was on a bus on her way to the IT mission fellowship. She was surprised to see her sister on the same bus, and she handed her money which was enough to pay for the agency. It felt like an affirmation from God. Then, Pastor Digna received again some money from one of her acquaintances who were in Korea. She had enough money now for the placement fee and her plane ticket. She was so grateful to the Lord because she had enough money to go to Japan.
However, the Korean pastor whom she met in Korea texted her and asked if she could help in the ministry there and if she could bring her son as well to go to Korea. Pastor Digna was sure that she was supposed to go to Japan. But after that conversation, the idea of going to Korea had been on her mind. In addition, the Lord revealed to her several times that she has to go to Korea. She didn’t pay attention at first but then her visa application to Japan got denied. It was then she realized that the provision she received was for her trip to Korea and not Japan. She decided to go but there were some other things to consider. She prayed earnestly, “Lord, we need an invitation letter, an accommodation house, a part-time job, and airfare.” A few days later, her friend texted her and told her to bring her children to Korea and she was asked to send her bank details. She did what she was told, and she could feel that it was all God’s doing. God touched the hearts of the people who will help Pastor Digna and her children to go to Korea.
One Sunday morning, she attended the church and saw a familiar face. One of the American missionaries residing in Korea and whom she met at the conference came up to her. He spoke with her, and he thought Pastor Digna was already in Korea. Then she explained that she was still waiting for an invitation so she could process their visa. Soon after that, he came to her house and gave her an invitation letter! Also, the money was deposited into her bank account by her friend, and it was enough for the three of them to purchase their plane ticket and have some pocket money. She was in tears because of gladness. Pastor Digna was so overwhelmed and thanked God for making it possible!
Everything went accordingly and they all got their visa and flew to Korea with no hassle. When they arrived in Korea, their accommodation had been prepared and even the part-time job was sorted. The following day, Pastor Digna was asked to start her part-time job. She was so amazed that God had answered all her prayers! God didn’t miss a single thing and provided for their needs!
Pastor Digna is committed to serving the ‘All Nation Church’ in Korea. At first, she didn’t know why God placed her there. But then as weeks passed, she saw that everything she had learned in her Access 2 Training in Malaysia was put into use. She became one of the church workers and God used her mightily so that His vision would come to pass.
God continues to walk with her as she devoted herself to God’s work. She experienced God’s favor in their lives that even for their accommodation which was supposed to be very expensive because of the rent deposit, nevertheless it was paid by her boss! What an amazing God we serve! In addition, it is also just walking distance from her work which makes it very convenient for her. Everything she desired was given to her. It can be seen clearly that the Lord is with her and her family. Despite the pandemic, God is still working on their behalf and helping them get through the hard times.
Praise the God whose way is perfect. Praise Him that His Word proves true and that He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him. He abides in those who are called according to His purpose and who desire to seek Him above anything else.
Jeremiah 29:11-14
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the LORD, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the LORD, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.
(Written by: Venus Jablo)