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At first, they just wanted to make a living but then they found a greater purpose in Christ.

Writer's picture: venusitphilsvenusitphils


God knows how to turn things around. He can turn your sorrow into joy – just let Him in. Trust and believe that He can do more in your life. Whatever the situation you are in, be hopeful that God has a grander plan in your life, and that He has called you to fulfill the purpose He has for you. IT missionaries Pastor Macky and Sister Shirley Ramirez responded to God’s call, and they didn’t regret following Him as they served in Taiwan.

They originally went as OFWs in 1998 but returned to the Philippines in 2000. Three years later, Sis. Shirley had another opportunity to work in Taiwan. Bro. Macky followed after a few months. This time, they had a new purpose, and they were determined to make a difference for God’s glory. They were adopted by a Filipino church in Taipei, where Bro. Macky was later ordained as their Pastor. He was an answer to their prayers because the members had been meeting regularly, but no one was pastoring them. Under their care, the church grew and gave birth to other outreaches in other parts of Taiwan. When church members moved to a new place because of a new contract, they would start a new Bible study group. Eventually, the small Bible groups would grow and become established as churches.

Even when other church members moved to different countries or went back to the Philippines, they continued to be used mightily as church planters, pastors, or ministry leaders. Through the ministry in Taiwan, the number of people who were led to Christ increased greatly. It was indeed the Holy Spirit’s work – touching the hearts of people to long for God and His church! God continues to bless the couple tremendously with the people they have met. They are so grateful for the people who became their friends and family while they were away from home as they served in the mission field.

As IT missionaries, they had the privilege of joining IT conferences in other countries. As a matter of fact, the couple also desired to host an IT conference, but they were the only IT missionaries in Taiwan. On top of that, visa requirements were quite stiff, so it was not easy to visit Taiwan. Thankfully, we serve a God who performs great wonders! God knew the couple’s desire to host an IT conference and He made it happen ‒ and not only one, but two! It was truly a miracle when Taiwan opened its doors, and the restrictions were lifted. Pastor Macky and Sis Shirley hosted the International Teams East Asia Conference for two consecutive years.

As IT missionaries flew to Taiwan for the conferences, they were blessed to witness what God has been doing in Taiwan. “Another remarkable thing is, Taiwan is such a small country, but it has become a send-off nation for missionaries, pastors, and empowered believers who are now in different parts of the world, and these things happened just because a seed of faith was planted in them,” the couple commented. At first, some of them just wanted to make a living but then they found a greater purpose in Christ and are now mighty emissaries of the Gospel while working in other countries. It is truly amazing how God can transform someone’s life!

The same is true in Pastor Macky’s life. He is so overwhelmed by God’s promises, and he held on to them dearly. “I don’t talk much and didn’t know a lot about the Bible, but God said that He will put the words in my mouth, and He will teach me what I shall do, and He did,” Pastor Macky stated. God opened doors of possibilities that were beyond the couple’s imagination. “It was scary at first, but God replaced it with peace – the peace that you can only find in God,” they added. “You also have to be faithful in whatever season you are in,” Sis. Shirley recalled. There were times when the ministry wasn’t progressing because most church members had finished their contracts and had to return to the Philippines or move somewhere else. The church was sometimes nearly empty, but they resolved to continue as long as there were two or three who gather in His Name. They would pray over the empty seats, and they saw how God replenished the number of people who had left! God continues to amaze them, and they lift the highest praise to Him for He was, is, and will always be a miracle-working God!

At the moment, Pastor Macky and Sis Shirley are in the Philippines, and they happily continue to serve the Lord. The couple learned an important lesson, and that is to bear fruit wherever they are. When you are faithful in small things, God will entrust something bigger to you. There will be times when your faith will be challenged but stand firm because God is with you.

Remember, we serve the Only God and there is no other apart from Him. Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come! Let’s exalt His name and offer our lives as a living sacrifice because He is the mighty God who lives forever and ever. Hallelujah!

Jeremiah 1:9

“Then the LORD put forth his hand and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.”

(Written by: Venus Jablo)

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