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God has shown them things which no man can explain.

Updated: Aug 23, 2022


Often, God’s greatest blessings come as a result of our willingness to do something that appears very insignificant. So, ask yourself, “Has God been challenging me to do something seemingly unimportant that I have not yet made an effort to accomplish? Is there anything I have rationalized by saying, ‘It’s too difficult,’ ‘I don’t want to, or ‘I have to pray about it first”?

IT missionary Corazon “Cora” Tupino took a leap of faith and brought her entire family to Cambodia to obey God’s calling. And God has shown them things which no man can explain as to how it happened. This is the continuation of Sis Cora’s journey of faith.

After the challenges they have faced for a couple of months, God's blessing poured down on Sis Cora's family because of their obedience and faith in the One true God. Sis Cora and her husband both got a teaching job. God also made a way for her children to continue their studies through a homeschool program. Sis Cora’s husband knows one teacher to help them with the studies of their children. Despite being in a foreign country, Sis Cora was relieved that her children could continue their studies.

Sis Cora became an English teacher while her husband is a music teacher in one of the biggest international schools in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. All of their visas were provided for them as well every year. Even when they had to renew their passports back then, God has shown His favor to them. Because of the sudden change of law, they missed renewing the passport of their son and they were supposed to pay a $1,000 fine because they were unaware of the new policy. In God’s favor, it was reduced to $700. They still didn’t have that amount though. But it was God who provided the exact amount so they could have their son’s passport renewed. They have seen that God knows their needs and He is quick to give aid to them. God knows their hearts and it’s a pleasure for Him to rescue them in dire situations.

As a part of the International Church Assembly, Sis Cora and her husband are serving in the children's ministry. Her husband is teaching in the music ministry and he ministers to the young people in the villages, too. Subsequently, the young people they mentored became pastors now. Sis Cora and her husband are impacting the lives of their students through teaching.

As the couple is busy with their work and the ministry, they couldn’t care for homeschooling their children. Their children were homeschooled in elementary but eventually, the Lord made a way for their kids to attend regular schools and got a scholarship. There came a time when they were struggling with their finances and wanted to pull out their kids from school but then again, God provided a solution to their dilemma. What an amazing God we serve! He cares and sees our problems and He’s always there to help us.

With the current pandemic, they also saw God’s grace and they didn’t lose their jobs and their children are doing well with their studies. Their eldest child has already graduated from college in the Philippines. Their two other kids are currently in the Philippines studying at the university, while their two younger children are still studying in Cambodia with Sis Cora and her husband. She and her husband are truly grateful that they were able to raise their kids well. Her husband didn’t regret that he resigned from his job, for he was able to see and be with his children growing up rather than being far from them if he was still working as a seaman. Sis Cora and her husband’s obedience to God impacted a lot of people and they experienced God’s provision and guidance in everything that they do. They could see that there’s always a bigger picture and they believe that God is going to do something great in Cambodia. It is their second home, and they continue to serve the Lord in the nation where He has called them.

The Lord’s simple requests often serve as stepping stones to life’s most wonderful blessings. Sis Cora’s family illustrated what can happen when we say yes to God. When you choose to obey the Lord, He will bless you not just with material things but with spiritual blessings, too. This is because obedience always leads to blessing. I have always told people who say they do not understand why God is asking them to do a certain thing that if they obey Him, He will reward them with a sense of peace and joy that compares to nothing this world has to offer. Therefore, set a goal to obey the Lord and watch Him work in your life. No one can exceed His love for us. He is the God who cares, and who gives fine attention to our very being. We serve an amazing God. Worthy is He to be praised and honored!

Luke 11:28

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

(Written by: Venus Jablo)

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