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God had already prepared a solution to his problem before he even knew it.

Writer's picture: venusitphilsvenusitphils


It takes faith to see the possibilities ahead of us. If you believe that God is with you then you don’t have to worry about what lies ahead because He can make a way even if there’s no way. He can light the darkest path and He can lead you to where you are supposed to go. But your faith is a requirement, so if you have faith then take the first step courageously. After Pastor Jeffthy Bacierto’s unforgettable trip to Brunei, he continued to travel to other countries. As a matter of fact, he was given another chance to visit Brunei again. He used to dream of traveling to other countries and God turned it into a reality, and that wasn’t the end of it. Then the most awaited Access 2 Training was scheduled in Malaysia and Pastor Jeffthy had been looking forward to it. However, he was faced with a dilemma. He had to travel by himself. It was his first time traveling so he mustered up his courage and as he held on to God’s promises he became confident that the Lord would accompany him. As he set foot at the airport, he suddenly recalled his experience when he was interrogated for hours at the immigration office, and he became so nervous. He had cold sweats and opposing thoughts were battling in his mind. His skeptical mind was telling him “You cannot go!”. On the other hand, he had come this far to give up. Besides, he was convinced that it was God’s will. For God had provided for his plane ticket, registration fee, and even his accommodation so he should move forward. It was his turn at the immigration when he heard the officer say, “Good luck” and let him pass with no further inquiries. Pastor Jeffthy couldn’t contain his joy that he didn’t even spend five minutes at the immigration! “God miraculously works beyond our imagination!” He praised God for this victory as he walked past the immigration. The moment Pastor Jeffthy arrived in Malaysia; the unexpected happened. He had a problem with his accommodation. Due to some miscommunication, his room was not secured therefore he had no place to stay during the training. But he believed in God’s promise that “All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” True enough, the three pastors he met at the airport after he passed through the immigration had been asking where he was going to stay. When they found out that Pastor Jeffthy had problems with his accommodation, they offered him to stay in the hotel they were staying at. It was amazing that God had already prepared a solution to his problem before he even knew it. In addition, it was an answered prayer for he prayed that he could stay in a place where he could minister to others. Pastor Jeffthy had the opportunity to pray and minister to the people near his accommodation and he witnessed how God enabled him to do it and kept him safe during his entire trip. Before his flight back to the Philippines, he moved to a church and stayed there for a few days because he had a different flight from the three pastors he met. It was a moment of solitude but at the same time thanksgiving to the Lord for His amazing favor upon him during his trip. Never did he imagine that he could travel to other countries because he didn’t have enough money as a vendor, but the Lord made it happen. Indeed, it was a special year for Pastor Jeffthy for he was able to travel three times to other countries with the Lord’s provision. What an amazing God we serve! We praise and honor You, Father because You are a God who loves to answer prayer and who begins to answer even before we pray. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

(Written by: Venus Jablo)

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