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13th EARC 2023 in TAIWAN… INFO PACK # 1


13th EAST ASIA REGIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 in TAIWAN… may I have more info, please? (Letters & Info Packs)

Greetings IT Phils Eagles,

Mark your calendar for the IT Missions Conference of the year !!! The 13th EAST ASIA REGIONAL CONFERENCE 2023!

The result of our 12th EAST ASIA REGIONAL CONFERENCE 2022 held in the PHILIPPINES was so remarkable that memories of the event continue to linger in our minds. It’s success signaled the end of our lockdown existence and the start of a new chapter in our international mission activities. It was year 2022 when the doors of opportunity opened for us and we were able to stage four major conferences and a solid participation in IT's Europe Conference. We are so excited this new year for we believe that “the glory of the present house will be greater than the glory of the former”. Our expectations for bigger and better conferences and events are fueling our excitement and joy in our upcoming – 13th EAST ASIA REGIONAL CONFERENCE to be held in TAIWAN.

Online registration is open at our website – . You may use this link to go directly to the registration page –


Don’t miss out on this huge blessing! This will be an amazing event!!

Ptr Gani Sison




1. TAIWAN CONFERENCE INFO PACK– This will be the official source of information on anything and everything related to our 13th EAST ASIA REGIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 in Taiwan.

2. REGISTRATION – Online registration for the conference is still open. You need to complete the registration so our event organizers could include your name in our conference participants list, prepare your immigration documents, conference ID’s, T-shirts, conference materials and prepare meals and snacks for you.

3. VISA– There is no need for an Entry Visa for a Filipino to enter Taiwan. All you need to present to the Taiwanese airport authorities are your passport, a return ticket; and if asked, certification of the conference event and proof of accommodation during your stay in the country (to be provided by our office). Please double check your passports expiration date. The Philippine immigration officers won’t allow you to leave the country if your travel date falls within 6 months prior to expiration. If you are Philippine born but holding a non-Philippines passport, you must check with the Taiwan embassy for their entry requirements for passport holders bearing the country shown on your passport. For other nationalities who need to apply for entry visa to Taiwan, our office will provide the necessary documents – invitation to the conference, status as IT missionary or trainee, etc. that must be submitted on your visa application.


· You may directly book your flights at your desired airlines or the travel agency of your choice.

· Our office could handle your flight booking upon your request and based on availability of funds in your account. We regularly monitor the airline rates and will inform you right away if there is an available flight promo. We will commence booking as soon as we receive your approval.

· Please take advantage of the low airline rates. As of this writing, the cost of a round-trip ticket is still almost at par to the cost of a plane trip to Palawan or Ilocos Norte, or other provinces in our country. The rates may not hold for long so don’t wait for the price to go down. The possibility is far more in favor of costs going up.


· Day 1 (MARCH 30) – Registration and Welcome Event

Registration & distribution of materials start at 1pm

Program starts at 2pm and ends at 10pm

· Day 2 (MARCH 31) – Whole Day Conference – 8:00 am to 5:00pm

· Day 3 (APRIL 1 ) – Closing Event from 8:00 am to 12:00pm

· Day 4onwards (April 2 – ) Post-conference Trips to various locations in Taiwan for those who will be straying longer. A separate itinerary and program was set for all those who will take part in our ACCESS 2 training. Detailed information will be provided later. Our organizing team will be at hand during the conference to assist all who will be joining the post conference trips or ACCESS 2 training,

· PRE-CONFERENCE Activities (March 28 – ): Most of our IT Office Staffs will arrive on the 28th of March.. Those who will arrive on an early date too are more than welcome to join us. We hope to provide a better picture of the pre- conference activities soon.

6. CONFERENCE VENUE: We have finally chosen a venue for our conference.


No. 16, Sec. 4, Zhongshan N. Rd., Shilin District



· The conference venue is part of the Chien Tan Youth Hotel, a 3-4 stars rated hotel offering rooms/beds for lodging for conference participants. They offered a limited number of rooms and beds at a discounted cost. But still even with the discounted rate, the hotel being in the 3-4 stars rank, cost per room will still be in the more pricey level. Some might opt to book lodging in a different place.

· We are compiling a long list of hotels near the conference venue which will be sent later. There are hotels offering dormitory type rooms and backpackers hotel that will be included in the list. Our Taiwan based missionaries and partners will be assisting those who are really are on a tight budget and hopefully will be able to identify low cost accommodations, just like in our previous conferences here. We are also looking for possible hosting groups that could accommodate for free some of our least funded members.


· A contribution of US$ 75 or P4,000 per participant will help cover expenses on venue rental, and lunch meals, snacks, conference materials, honorariums, etc…

· If you decide to pay this month of February, you will avail of a P500 discount. The discounted conference fee is US$ 65 or P3,500.


· Conference program, conference theme and speakers’ profile will be provided on the next Info Pack.


· We are on the process of identifying various locations in Taiwan for our post conference group tour. Detailed information will be provided later. Our office team will set up a post-conf table during the conference to aid those who will be joining the post-conference trips.


· All ITP missionaries, alumni and partners are invited to the conference. If you would like to invite your friends or relatives to the conference, we would require that they be of the same faith. The conference is not an evangelistic gathering, and the topics will not suit those coming from a different religious background. Those who qualify will be classified as SPECIAL GUESTS.


· Our office will provide an important pre-departure briefing/meeting to be handled by our office support staffs, a few days before your departure. The objective is to prepare all of you for your airport immigration encounter – both here and in TAIWAN. We want to make sure that all bases are covered well before sending you out to Taiwan. You will be provided with all the required departure documents to include ITP documents stating the nature of the event, conference program, and accommodation guarantee, etc.


· The Philippine government requires all government employees to first secure clearance before they are allowed to travel outside of the country. If you are a government employee and could present the document upon the demand of our airport immigration authority, you will be denied boarding. Please make sure you secure one as early as possible. We have missionaries in the past who were not allowed to board because of their failure to attend to this important requirement. Our office will issue the needed certification explaining the reason for your trip to Taiwan.


· Do I need to be vaccinated to enter Taiwan? You do not need to be vaccinated to travel to Taiwan, at the moment. That might change in the future, especially if the Taiwanese government decides it is important to protect their citizens from the spread of the virus.

· Do I need to get a Covid 19 (RT-PCR) test to enter Taiwan? There are no RT-PCR testing requirements. However, from January 1, 2023 travelers coming from China must take a PCR test on arrival, undergo a seven- day period of self-initiated prevention and take Covid 19 tests during that period.?

· Are there any other vaccine related requirements set by the government of Taiwan? Effective Feb 7, 2023, travelers will only need to take a rapid test if they develop symptoms during their 7day period of self-initiated prevention. Those who need additional rapid tests can purchase them at pharmacies or convenience stores selling rapid tests.

· What is the 7 day period of self-initiated prevention?

It simply states that extra care be given on your first days in Taiwan. Ensure that you are in good health and refrain from association should you feel possible symptoms of covid. RT PCR must be used right away at the first indication of sickness, We need to help the government of Taiwan prevent the virus from spreading by fully cooperating to their requirements.

There are set rules to follow when going out:

  • Masks must be worn at all times when outside and social distancing must be maintained. Masks can be temporarily removed for dining and must immediately be worn afterwards.

  • Avoid contacts with persons with high risk of developing severe Covid 19 symptoms(including people 65 years or older…)

  • New arrivals are not allowed to visit or stay with a hospitalized individual.

  • Stay at home or hotel room should symptoms occur and take an at home covid rapid test. Seek medical help from family and friends (with both parties keeping their masks on at all times) and seek instructions from the local health departments or medical institutions.

· Do we have missionaries who recently visited Taiwan? Yes. Ptr Macky and Shirley Ramirez as well as Ptr Gani Sison were in Taiwan recently and reported that there were no vaccination related restrictions on entry. They were not even asked to show vaccination certificates nor were they asked by immigration authorities if they were vaccinated or not. Ptr Gani reported that wearing masks in every locations, especially in public places are strictly enforced. There is a steep penalty or fines set when caught not wearing masks in public places like train stations etc… Yet, minus the masks, everything appears to be very normal. People are just going about their daily routines – working, shopping, etc…


· Please always include the conference and the organizing staffs in your prayers. Pray also for GOD’s provision for all those who will be attending the conference. Pray for the 13th EAST ASIA REGIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 in TAIWAN to be fruitful and successful.


Ptr Gani Sison

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1 Comment

Feb 18, 2023

Well explained! Thank you for the info.

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